‘This Institution was founded on Faith, Hope & Love’
Fr. Nathaniel’s Charitable Trust is registered under the “Indian Trust Act”, bearing registration number 43/96, we are also been registered the by the ‘Home Ministry of India’ and licensed under the ‘Foreign Contribution Regulation Act’ (FCRA) bearing number:075970114 under the heading social activities. This institution has been exempted under 12(A) and 80(G) of Income Tax Act 1961.
For the past Four decades our institution has done service among the unfortunate children and proceeded them a place in the society. For this purpose this institution had given scholarships for 1083 children and provided free accommodation, food and education to 1000+ children till date.

Nursing course, Engineering, Industrial training, training in Ayur and Indian Medicines and other training like tailoring, driving, computer, honeybee farming, Hotel Management course, laboratory technician course, agricultural training in organic farming is also given. At present this institution is supporting 210+ children from the age group 4 to 20 years.

We further have a mercy home for the abandoned aged people. Also we have conducting free medical camps in the remote villages. This institution fights to eradicate child labour, dowry system, untouchability and other non social elements.
This Institution has done enormous things among the unfortunate children and provided them a place in the society. We humbly look back and count the blessings which we received from above. We are also proud to say that this Institution has been rendering 41 years of committed and unselfish service to humanity – A service with great thirst for salvation, knowledge, fortitude and coverage.